Affiliate Disclosure of VDiversify
Periodically we will review or mention products and services on our website, If we believe this is a good product, and the merchant selling said product or service offers an affiliate program, we have no issue referring others to the product via an affiliate link, which means we may receive a commission or some form of compensation if you buy the product we recommend.
However, we make some money from affiliate programs. Over the years, we have affiliated with many products and services owners. We promote their products/services on our blog. As said earlier, we only promote those products/services that we are using or have used. Some of them we haven’t used but will be researched and investigated in deep.
So, there are some affiliate links on our blog. If you click on those links and make a purchase, we’ll earn a commission at no extra cost to you. We don’t take anything (like free products, services, cash, etc.) for mentioning them on our blog.
Why we are explaining about our Affiliate Disclosure?
Because this website is owned by an Indian, and we are not required to comply with the FTC affiliate disclosure policy, BUT we believe it is the right thing to do.
We would never falsely represent a product just to receive an affiliate commission.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at,
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